Saturday, March 15, 2008

5 Keys to Networking Success

For all the importance that we place on the ability to network, rarely are the intricacies of networking discussed outright or taught in colleges or schools. Getting your name into the front of someone’s brain by successful networking is sometimes accomplished by luck, but more often than not, it’s either a conscious or subconscious effort. Let’s face it, you don’t achieve networking success by simply handing out business cards, asking for referrals, or trying to close a deal. Successful networking involves building credible relationships with diverse groups of people over a period of time. There are plenty of books on how to network, to be sure. One really good one is Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a TimeRead it to get some tips on getting close to the people with whom you wish to network.

But, what do you do once you’ve met someone that you think will be a valuable resource to you in the future? Here are 5 keys to your networking success. (Plus a “Bonus” key at the end!)

Networking success will take time. I spend at least a few minutes every day making phone calls, emails, and other communications with people. The key is to plan this time to your fullest advantage. Set aside just 15 minutes per day to touch base with old friends, former co-workers, even distant family members so that you can get your name into their brain.

Don’t be afraid to write a thank you note, or clip a news item or magazine article and send it their way.

When it comes to people you don’t know, getting your name into their brain can be a little more tricky. Read on.

The more visible you are in your community, even an online community, the greater your chances for networking success. Consider joining local associations that facilitate a networking atmosphere such as Rotary, Lions Club, Kiwanis Club, your college alumni program, even specialized associations for areas you may not be apparently pertinent to your field such as homebuilders, engineering, banking, or entrepreneur groups. Read and participate in blogs or websites that fall outside of your niche. More on this later.

Think back to the best networking people you’ve ever known and you’ll remember them as visible members of the community. They were at all the functions, all the training seminars, all the conventions. They showed up at funerals and PTA meetings. They volunteered to coach Little League. They managed to lead the company blood drive and joked about being the official vampire of the office. They were visible, always around. In the online community, they are usually top commenters.

Successful networking involves a lot of work and that work gives you credibility in your community. It isn’t net-eating, net-goofing off, net-talk to the same people every time, or net-sitting around. It’s net-WORKing. It will require some work to establish your credibility and that work takes the form of volunteering to help.

Once you join one of these associations or communities, you’ll have to volunteer to work in order to establish credibility. Without credibility, your networking success is in peril. Non-credible networkers are viewed as “all show and no dough” or as they saw in Texas, “Big hat, no cattle.” It takes time to establish your credibility and you should focus on volunteering to do easily accomplished things for other people when you start your networking career. Translation: don’t bite off more than you can chew. You’ll earn both credibility and respect if you are able to keep your promises.

One way to earn some instant credibility is to offer to introduce your new friend to someone else who needs his or her services, sort of acting as a “go between,” a matchmaker of sorts. This has a very large impact if no help was asked for in the first place.

Successful networking has something in common with investing in that, you should diversify your networks just like you diversify your investments. The more connections you have to different and varied groups of people, the more well rounded your personal network and the more contacts you have. With more contacts comes greater exposure. With greater exposure comes more opportunities to help others and to receive help from them.

You have to be available and accessible. People who don’t return email or screen every phone call are generally not successful at networking. Many opportunities are time sensitive and for those who remain inaccessible, those opportunities pass them by. Make sure you can be reached by those you intend to have in your network.

BONUS KEY: Sincerity
Networking is a giver’s game. It’s about reciprocity, “I’ll help you if you’ll help me and we will all be better off in the long run.” Successful networking is about helping people, about “paying it forward,” and about looking for ways to connect with people. Offer up ideas, information, or even contacts for them. Operating from a sincerely helpful stance will help insure your networking success

If you’re networking to get referrals for your product or service, you must take the time to establish your willingness to help. Without that, you have no credibility and no one will willingly give you referrals except to get you off their back. Remember that any time someone gives you a referral, they risk their own reputation. If you do a poor job, then their reputation is diminished and your credibility is severely damaged.

Always remember that networking success almost always requires payment up front and in full. If you’re aren’t willing to pay the price up front, you might not achieve the networking success you envisioned and you’ll be seen and later portrayed as a selfish hack who is just trying to score a few deals. No one wants to network with that type of person.


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Here’s My New Blogging Schedule

Blogging takes time. More than I realized, but it sure is fun. I’ve decided to establish a loose schedule of what topics I plan to cover on certain days of the week. Here’s my list, tell me what you think:

Monday Morning Quarterback
I will review things on Monday. It could be a book, a restaurant, an idea, a website, a store, a vacation, or even a blog! If you have something you would like me to review, send me an email or leave a comment at the bottom of this post. My reviews will be fair and honest, though I tend to be a little more encouraging where possible. I think you get more mileage from a positive tone than a negative one. If I don’t have something on my master list, I may review YOU!

Tuesday - Personal Finance
I’ll cover such topics as insurance (car, life, health, home, renter’s, long term care), banking, spending, money hacks, and generating passive income sources.

Wednesday - Personal development
These topics will include attitude, crowbars, networking, interviewing, things I’ve learned (or DIDN’T learn), other posts in series form, and any other ideas that crop up in personal development.

Thursday - Other items
Thursdays will be reserved for parenting, relationships, shopping, online education, business ideas, marketing, and that ever elusive work/life balance.

Fridays - Back to personal finance
I’ll cover a different set of personal financial issues such as frugality, investing, credit, debt, and retirement.

Saturdays - Link Love and Roundups
You know I just love sending out the link love.

Sundays - Off
I gotta take a break here and there!

This isn’t a rigid schedule and is subject to change at any notice, possibly two or three times in a 5 minute period, so look out! You never know what I may find to post about! Hey, I can even post about how to eat pretzels!

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resp in net worth, the decision (

This is a fairly long post, but if you track net worth and plan to have children, or have children already you might be interested in reading on...Recently I've pondered and posed this question to readers:Do I include our RESP balance as part of our net worth?Thanks for all the great comments on this. The verdict is certainly still out on whether or not one should include the balance. Commenter's were split on the issue. Here are some of the points that were raised:The 'Against' Case:Scott noted:The intention of the savings plan is to fund your child's education and as such it is his asset. If the funds eventually are rolled into your own RSP's due to them not being used for education it should be considered a windfall because that's really what it is. It was never part of your intended asset base.Luc-Roc said:However, you could always create a separate "Family Net Worth" report and add your RESP in that report.Dividends4Life commented:One differences though is that my plan under U.S. law is irrevocable - it is theirs at age 18. Middle Class Millionaire suggested:However, other than to satisfy the technical definition of networth I don't think ...

Cancer causes paranoia (

This morning I had an experience that was very unpleasant, but that is already starting to seem funny to me. If you're a regular reader, you'll know I lived through my second round of ovarian cancer a few months ago. Just this week I was marvelling that the human mind is incredibly resilient--already I can hardly remember parts of the experience. For the first couple of months, it was so strongly present in my mind that I couldn't get through a single conversation, even with strangers, without mentioning the cancer or something related to it. Now I go for days without thinking about it, and I'm enjoying feeling and looking like a normal person. But yesterday I had a doctor's appointment, not with my oncologist (that's not til April) but with another doctor who is helping me do some alternative therapies that will hopefully strengthen my body to fight the cancer naturally so it won't come back, or won't come back as badly. Don't worry, I'll still probably do whatever treatments my oncologist recommends as the years go by, but I figure it can't hurt to do the other stuff too.So yesterday I had this appointment, and it was harder ...

Do you trust ads from radio DJs? (

By Paul MichaelThe US radio airwaves are filled with endorsements from radio DJs, and the list of things they hawk is mind-blowing.  Coming from a country that doesn't have these paid radio endorsements, I have a different perspective on it. And it leads me to ask two questions; do you really believe the endorsement?; does it change your opinion of the DJ? My radio station of choice at the moment is an AM talk radio station called KHOW. I am estimating here, but I would say around 22 minutes of each hour is devoted to advertising, and at least half of that is done by the DJs themselves. And to be honest, they really grind on me. Most of the time, it's the awful segues. There's a lot of political talk going on right now due to the November election. After an interesting and lively debate on Clinton and Obama recently, the DJ stopped in his tracks to say something like this: "Boy, you know this election really requires a candidate with a lot of vision and foresight, and that's why I'd like to talk about Lasik eye treatment and the amazing  offer you can get at Spivak." Talk about lame. But ...

Does Daylight Savings really save energy?

Don't forget tonight, you have to set your clocks forward one hour. If you're like me, your tired of changing the time twice a year. Does it really save any energy at all? According to recent studies in Indiana, over $8.6 billion USD was spent on extra energy used. What does this mean? This means because of the change, while we actually did save money on lighting, we actually use more energy because of air conditioning and heating. We also might spend more time indoors, thus using more electricity watching tv, playing games, and so on.

I'm gonna go ahead and say it's still inconclusive. There probably should be a lot more studies done to get more conclusive results. While the study in Indiana is one thing, it's not the entire country. Perhaps in the future, we'll find that we don't have to change the time anymore. Wouldn't that be a lucky thing?

Do you have to change your clock where you live?

Photohunt : different

click on the thumbnail to view a larger image

Here is a "different" view of the St. Louis Arch. I took this at the base of the Arch, by the entrance to get on the elevators to go up into the Arch. Yes, you can actually go to the top. But I warn you, it's not for the claustrophobic or for the light hearted.

Are you participating in the PhotoHunt? Let me know by leaving a comment!

I Am Legend's Original Ending

Must Watch: I Am Legend's Original Ending - This is Amazing @ Spoiler Warning! (via Insomnic)

My day in Beaverton

So yesterday, I went out to Beaverton, OR to visit Katie and to go to a book signing by Kim Harrison. The book signing was at Powell's Bookstore, which I have to mention is HUGE. Katie was telling me that the big store (Powell's CITY of books) is really a CITY of books. I can't imagine the other stores being bigger.

The trip down there was pretty uneventful. I mean 2 hours driving on I-5... Boring! But I persevered, knowing that at the end of the 2 hour drive, I would be meeting Katie and Kim Harrison.

When I got there, I had to call Katie to let her know I was there, and meanwhile I had 2 hours to waste before the actual book signing. They had a place at that "mall" that the bookstore was in called "The Mac store" but it wasn't a "real" Mac store, it was just a store that had Mac stuff. It had some great stuff in there, I just don't have money to spend on such things right now!

When Katie got there, we ended up eating at Panera bread company, of where she has never been. I had to edumacate her that everything there was pretty much good, especially the French Onion soup. (I'm a regular Asiago Roast Beef / French Onion Soup person myself!) Of course, Katie doesn't like onions (I never knew!) but she ordered the Tuna sammich and Tomato soup. She liked the tomato soup, and she remarked, "It reminds me of spaghetti... I have simple tastes." LOL Ok, Katie, as long as you like it.

When we finally got to the book signing after spending much time yapping in Panera about nothing, we ended up sitting in the back. Which wasn't exactly the greatest idea. When the book signing actually came, that's right, we were the last to get our books signed. I'm sure Kim was tired and had carpal tunnel by the time we got to her. People had some great questions for her, some of which I'll relay, the ones that I remember at least. I have a bad memory you know. Q&A with Kim Harrison after the bump.

All in all, it was a great day, we spent 2 hours in the signing, only because we were in the back. But it was fun, we got to yapper again, mainly about nothing. I did give Katie my address, so she's now an "official" stalker. Cool! I told her, "Now you can stalk me!" She replied, "Like I'm not already?" LOL She's so funny!


Cemetery full, mayor tells locals not to die

Cemetery full, mayor tells locals not to die - "Offenders will be severely punished!" via (Katie)

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I got my moo cards in today. Don't they look sweet?

Round 2 of March Madness! Vote for the Snowflakes :)

Free Money Finance has posted the start of Round 2 of March Madness, and my post, Snowflaking: A Primer, is up against No Credit Needed’s Illustrated Debt Snowball!  That’s a great post and tough competition - the snowflake against the snowball…

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