Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's the Oil Stupid

Immediately after a report about the record price set for a barrel of oil today (March 5, 2008), Fox's "premiere business news" show aired a segment blaming it on Hugo Chavez.

Brenda Buttner was the substitute host and one of her two guests was Fox fave Bob Bevelacqua, who was identified simply as a "former Green Beret" (though that's not the half of it).

Buttner asked Bevelacqua the first question:

Bob, let me go to you first. I mean, we've got more instability -- a crazy, U.S.-hating leader now with troops and tanks in an area that has a lot of oil. What's that spell?


Oh, that spells disaster. Any time you have oil and instability we're going to have to get involved. I mean, we're in the Middle East because of oil, not because we like sandy beaches.

With that he went on to explain that we will probably "send a fleet" down to Venezuela, park it off the coast and say, "Hugo, we're here."

Comment: It's good to hear some truth tellin' on Fox for a change, albeit probably unintended. If Neil Cavuto had been there I'm sure he'd have tried to cut Bevelacqua off. Nonetheless, just think of all the work we could have done over the last five years to rid ourselves of oil dependence if we'd invested the $15 billion we're spending in Iraq every month on that instead. But, alas, if Chavez doesn't do what we want him to do, we might have to do some more killin' to satisfy our jones.

Kinda in a funk

Current Mood: Annoyed

So last night I broke my car.  I was backing out of the carport and was just a little to close to the post.  My mirror hit the post, and it almost tore right off.  Hubby was able to tape it up, but I have a feeling it’s going to be very expensive to fix.  It’s a powered mirror with heating, and the power still seems to be working.  Hubby’s going to phone around to see what it’s gonna cost us.  The mirror itself is completely smashed, but holding together.  7 years of bad luck for me!

Then, after Choir practice was over last night, I was going to practice the Psalm cantor (Solo) for Sunday when suddenly, completely out of the blue, the Choir Director asked another lady to sing it with me.  I was a bit hurt because it made me feel like he thought I couldn’t handle it on my own.  I’ve done cantoring before, and I sang a solo for our Advent concert.  To top it all off, the lady who will be singing with me is not my most favourite person in the world.  She’s not a bad singer or anything, she just has a terrible attitude.  As we were practicing, she felt it necessary to tell me how to sign the Psalm because “she knows what she’s doing”.  UGH!

I know that in the grand scheme of life, these things are really not that bad, but it’s put me in a foul mood none the less.

/end whining session

I think I’m addicted to blogging

Current Mood: Playful

I had two dreams last night, both involving bloggers.

The first was that I was a cheerleader and Miss Ann Thrope was our coach. I had fallen asleep and completely missed our competition time. She was extremely pissed and read me the riot act, Miss Ann style! If I’m remembering correctly, Sodapop and Mr. Fab were on the team too.

The second dream was that I was working in a hair salon, filling in for my hairdresser. A girl came in whose hair I had cut before, but it was a mess and I had to fix it. And guess who my boss was?! Yep, Miss Ann again!

In each dream I referred to her as Miss Ann! I remember her having brown hair and thick eye-liner, which is probably so NOT what she looks like!

Anyway, I can’t help but wonder if I should take a blogging break…..na! It’s not like I had a nightmare or something!