Sunday, April 27, 2008

BBtv - Avatar Machine, Marc Owens' wearable simulator of virtual worlds.

Avatar Machine, by designer Marc Owens, is a wearable device that simulates the experience of third-person gaming environments.

By wearing this costume and head-mounted camera with VR goggles, a user can view themselves as a sort of virtual character while moving around and interacting in the real world.

Owens created Avatar Machine to explore whether such a device would grant users "a diminished sense of social responsibility (...) and demonstrate behaviors normally reserved for the gaming environment." In other words, turn them into instant board trolls.

Owens, 26, is a design student at the Royal College of Art, and lives in East London. An earlier version of this experiment from Owens circulated around the web in 2007.

In part one of today's Boing Boing tv episode, we premiere an all-new experiment with Avatar Machine -- live beta testing conducted in 2008, in the Harajuku area of Tokyo. Here, the user (Owens) flirts with Harajuku hotties, then almost gets his ass kicked (for real!) by some Japanese rockabilly gangster dudes.

In part two of today's show, Xeni speaks with Owens over a Skype video connection, live from his studio in East London.

Link to Boing Boing tv episode, with discussion and downloadable video. (special thanks to Susannah Breslin)

Pontiac G6 GT preview.

Spring: the season of love, flowers and convertibles ... from the back of the lots in the hopes of snagging passersby wanting a vehicle to celebrate the (global?) warming weather. (more…)

Posted in Auto News & New car review ( 1 link from 1 site)

NYC steps up flood planning for Manhattan, shore...

NYC steps up flood planning for Manhattan, shore areas by The Star-Ledger Continuous News Desk Thursday March 20, 2008, 6: ... that increasing sea levels and unpredictable weather patterns tied to global warming mean

Posted in Breaking News From New Jersey - ( 5,903 links from 2,013 sites)

A Talk With Ford Motor CEO Alan Mulally

courtesy of Fox FORD MOTOR COMPANY CEO ALAN MULALLY TALKS WITH FOX BUSINESS NETWORK'S LIZ CLAMAN ABOUT TALKS TO SELL LAND ROVER, ... Lutz comment that global warming is a 'crock' ... , they really are going to care about those brands – they're terrific brands, they're global brands

Posted in WallStreetFighter ( 774 links from 468 sites)

Daily Top 10 Blog Stories

Daily Top 10 Blog Stories Currently in 1st place: More Bloggers Raising Money. Here Come The Politics. And Here Comes My Rant ... - which one will be the next Google?, Global warming rushes timing of spring, Fast is better than

Posted in Popular Search Info ( 0 links from 0 sites)

Black is the new white

[ homer.jpg] Once again the sceptic-friendly opinion pages of the Herald provide noted NZ denier Chris de Freitas with a platform to spout the most ... to do with climate change: There is some inundation evident on islands in Tuvalu, but global warming

Posted in Hot Topic · Global warming and the future of New ... ( 29 links from 18 sites)

Mom and baby rob candy store

Christine Ruther, 19, brought her baby along with two three accomplices to rob a candy store in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio. From
Police say Ruther took her baby out of a stroller so they could fill it with $400 worth of candy.

Officers followed a trail of candy wrappers to Fourth and Race Streets, where they arrested...
Link (via Fortean Times)

Debt Consolidation

Tip! Go with a company that has a good reputation. Don’t assume that every non-profit company is necessarily going to look out for your interests more than a for profit debt consolidation company.

Debt consolidation programs are devised to make a family that is struggling with the heavy monthly payments debt free in the quickest and most inexpensive manner. Debt consolidation combines all the debts and lowers the monthly charges resulting in savings. If one has got the approval for the loan, then he/she needs to make only a single monthly payment that is then distributed to all the creditors. Even the interest amount that one will pay is low when compared to the higher interest rates on all the previous debts. The borrower can plan the loan for 3 to 5 years.

One can use online debt consolidation services by the companies like the ADNS group of the National Legal Debt Centers, CareOneCredit, FamilyCreditHelp, and DebtAdvocatesOfAmerica. The different debt consolidation tips that need attention are as follows. The borrower needs to renegotiate with the primary lender if his payment is going to be late or if he is struggling with payments. The borrower should not avoid lender’s phone calls, as this will create negative impact on his creditworthiness. Otherwise the borrower can approach Credit Counseling Agency, profit or non-profit, which helps him in achieving control on his credit and also in getting low interest based debt consolidation loan.

Tip! Sort the debts. You should physically put them into two piles: one for monthly bills you can’t do anything about and one for other (these will end up being bills eligible for debt consolidation).

The borrower needs to pay a fixed amount every month to the agency that in turn divides the amount among all the creditors. Another option is transferring all the credit card balances to one credit card that charges no or low interest for a period of time. One more option available in the hands of the borrower is taking loan against life insurance policy, retirement loans or a home equity loan provided the borrower has own home. Under home equity loan, the borrower can avail of refinancing facility on the house owned by him. Generally Credit Unions offer low interest loans for debt consolidation. Debt consolidation information is available online through many Internet sites.

Debt Free provides detailed information about being debt free, debt counseling, and more. Debt Free is affiliated with Company Debt Management Relief.

Tags: money, debt, debt consolidation, get out of debt, bankruptcy

Tags: debt consolidation, consolidation,, debt consolidation loans, loans, money

Global Warming: An Inconvenient Truth

WHAT IS GLOBAL WARMING? Carbon dioxide and other gases warm the surface of the planet naturally by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere ... that global warming is real, it's already happening and that it is the result of our activities ... to global warming, moving closer to the poles.5 If the warming continues, we can expect catastrophic

Posted in Rashid's Blog ( 8 links from 7 sites)

Hillbilly teeth recall

Sadly, a supplier of "hillbilly" teeth has recalled the wonderful product due to lead paint concerns. More on this alarming development over at BBG. (Mark F. used to wear a set of these frequently. Maybe that's why he makes so many typos.)

Investor Profile: Hamilton Investment Partners, LLC

Marc Cole, Partner, Hamilton Investment Partners, LLC

Marc is responsible for evaluating private equity investments and investment strategies for the firm. Marc and Doug Hamilton have co-invested together since 1999. Prior to joining the firm, Marc was a Vice President at Mellon Ventures, a $1.4 billion private equity partnership. At Mellon Ventures, Marc structured venture capital, subordinated debt and leveraged buyout transactions across a broad range of industries. Prior to joining Mellon Ventures, Marc worked in the Investment Banking group of Legg Mason, where he focused on mergers and acquisitions for middle market and emerging growth companies. Marc graduated magna cum laude from The Pennsylvania State University where he received a Bachelor of Science in Finance. Marc is a Co-founder of the New York Private Equity Network (NYPEN), the definitive private equity leadership and networking organization in New York City.

Hamilton Investment Partners, LLC (HIP, LLC) is an opportunistic private investment firm that makes equity and subordinated debt investments in partnership with superior management teams, focusing primarily on small and middle market buyouts, growth capital financings and bridge financings. Together, the firm's principles have completed more than 50 financings over the past 25 years. HIP, LLC targets industries where we have significant knowledge, experience and proven investment success. We are an opportunistic investor that focuses primarily on small and middle market buyouts, growth capital financings and bridge financings. Following each investment, HIP, LLC intends to play an active role on the board of directors in guiding the company and developing its expansion and exit strategies. We seek to invest between $500,000 to $5 million of equity, and alongside investment partners may lead $5 million to $10 million financings.

Some Previous Investments:
Dental Concepts LLC
HIP is the lead investor in a leveraged buyout of Dental Concepts LLC, a high growth consumer products company. The company is the category leader in a variety of proprietary mouth care products.

The French Culinary Institute
The French Culinary Institute is the leading school in the country for the training of professional chefs. HIP provided significant expansion capital to allow the school to expand its capacity to meet ever increasing demand. - Meet Angels and VCs

There is still space at our Boston event on April 8, our California event on March 26 and our Philadelphia event on May 7!
They will be Early-Stage Venture & Angel Events and an optional Pitching Workshop Lunch
More Details:

BOSTON: April 8 (only 11 tickets left!)


Additional 2008 events will be announced shortly!

In the mean time, You can learn about and see photos from our previous events, as well as purchase tickets for our Venture Capital and Angel Investor events here:

The days, they go marching on and on.

You look up, and bam, days, even weeks have passed on by. Wow, it's April, and it's been a while since my last post ... at 5 different stores in Singapore, Malaysia and Philippines. So amazingly grateful for all the opportunities

Posted in living dreams ( 20 links from 14 sites)

How to set your brand in people’s mind?

Branding makes it easy for people to buy. Without brands people would just see categories i.e. shoes, jeans, computers… and shopping would be confusing, time-consuming, and difficult. The aim of branding is to conquer its category. For example, for a person to say: "I feel like a Coke," instead of:

Posted in Brand Management Tips ( 0 links from 0 sites)

Dressing Room voyeur cam in tokyo japan sexy lingerie shop

Clipped by Awcg2005 to Asian Models

Dressingroom voyeur cams in tokyo lingerie shop

Asian Babes are HERE $1 minute live NUDE Cheap Sex Chat With Filipina GOGO Dancers $1 a Minute

I love the hidden cams they put in shops in tokyo japan. These girls have no idea men across the world are watching them undress. We get to see all the voyeur web babes here free. Great hidden cams in dressing room.

Asian Babes HOt sex WiTh asian models that suck and fuck live with sex toys

Investing for the Absolute Beginner: Part III. Which Account Type? (

-Part 1- -Part2- -Part 3-Now that I have covered the reasons to invest and reviewed the different types of investments, in this installment of "Investing for the Absolute Beginner" I will go over the various types of investment accounts in which to hold those investments. I will be covering the 401(k), the Traditional IRA, the Roth IRA, and the taxable account. Each of these account types has its own advantages and disadvantages, and they are not mutually exclusive insofar as they can be used in conjunction with one another for various tax benefits and purposes.401(k)What is it?The 401(k) is your single most important investment vessel for building wealth through investing. A 401(k) is a retirement investment account set up by most corporations (and some smaller companies) to enable its employees to save and invest a percentage of their income for retirement. The distinguishing characteristic of a 401(k) versus other types of retirement accounts is that the contributions are pre-tax, the benefits of which I will discuss below.Pros:The pros of a 401(k) account are numerous. First, many companies will match your contributions dollar-for-dollar up to a certain percentage of your income. This is ...

Richardson Endorsement of Obama Focus Du Jour on FOX's Election HQ

Video clips of Jeremiah Wright took a back seat today on America's Election HQ with Megyn Kelly and Bill Hemmer. However, the pundit parade analyzing Bill Richardson's endorsement of Barack Obama made sure to keep the Wright controversy alive with constant reminders to viewers that Obama's campaign problems are far from over.

Newt Gingrich, leading the pundit parade, was prompted by Megan Kelly wondering if it was " time for Hillary Clinton to get out" and if the Richardson endorsement was the first nail in her coffin. She added a cute "Ouch!" for emphasis.

Gingrich said it was the "first sign that the nomination was getting away from Hillary." He opined that senior Democrats will want to end the tension and will begin endorsing Obama. Kelly claimed there's " buzz" that Richardson made a deal for the VP slot but Gingrich said not at this point adding that it's illegal to do it. Then Kelly brought the focus back to Wright allowing Gingrich to recite the points about how Obama knew about Wright ; it's unacceptable; and nobody believes him.

Trying to keep the fight going between campaigns, Kelly brought up a photo, allegedly leaked by Obama's campaign, showing Clinton shaking hands with Jeremiah Wright ten years ago at a White House prayer breakfast. Gingrich claimed it was self destructive behavior for Obama which diminished his own value.

Next in line were Bob Beckel and Kate Obenshain. Both agreed the endorsement was a great way to change the subject. Obenstain delivered the magic words that the controversy is not over and will keep growing.

John Gibson provided the final act. He gets the last five minutes and makes sure Hemmer and Kelly plug his radio shows. Today he went after Obama for criticizing FOX News for " unrelenting and sensational coverage" of the controversy. Gibson declared , "Absurd!" Then he claimed that " white people" appreciate the coverage when they call in to his show. He quickly caught himself and added a comment about black people calling in too with a positive reaction.

Hemmer popped in to say, " A week ago this was red hot, simmering." He noted that the Richardson endorsement was a "shrewd move". Gibson agreed that they've been trying to change the subject all day ending with "Jeremiah Wright is going to stick".

comment: We all know how hard Gibson is going to work at making it stick if anyone actually chooses to tune in to his show.

Developmental origins of the metabolic syndrome: prediction, plasticity, and programming.

 Developmental origins of the metabolic syndrome: prediction, plasticity, and programming.I Caroline McMillen and Jeffrey S RobinsonPhysiological reviews 85 (2), 571-633 (Apr 2005)info:pmid/15788706 | info:doi/10.1152/physrev.00053.2003Posted by ommen to NUGO on Thu Mar 20 2008 at 14:09 UTC | info | related

2008: The International Year of the Reef (IYOR)

After 10 years it's back: "The IYOR is celebrated worldwide to raise awareness about the value and importance of coral reefs and threats to their sustainability, and to motivate people to take action to protect them. Singapore ... groups in Singapore have come together to dedicate 12 months of round the year events to celebrate

Posted in T R A N S E C T S - nature at its best! ( 1 link from 1 site)

Welcome back ActiveX (Silverlight the Newest...

I know I am in the minority here, but I am not at all excited to see the way things are shaping up ... I was one of the first out there on the web. I was building applications for Internet Explorer 1.0 on a MAC ... , and the DHTML movement, during which we promised fat-client on the web and actually thought those

Posted in Real World Software Architecture ( 28 links from 18 sites) by tadanderson

Opting Out of Testing

There is only one tactic that will stop the testing hysteria: parents who refuse to have their children's education hijacked. From Coalition for Better Education:

We would like to encourage you to read through our site and make a decision to join us. We hope you will not remain silent but will let your local school board and representatives know how you feel about NCLB and CSAP. If you are parents, we would like to encourage you to opt your child out of testing. It is legal and can be done (see below). This act may be the best way to inform education officials of your stance on the endless testing of our students.

Use the navigation bars to the left and above to navigate our site. If you wish to join our list serve, email

CSAP: Leaving Our Children Behind
Dear Parents:
CSAP (Colorado Student Assessment Program) testing is upon us…my 8-year-old's class alone is scheduled for 16.5 hours of timed testing. After months of researching this exam and its negative implications, I have come to the conclusion that such extended testing is not only cruel, but also a waste of my tax dollars, a poor use of time that could be spent learning, and an activity that returns inconsequential results for my child, Canyon Creek and our district. My child will be opting out of CSAP testing because as a parent, that is my choice.

Read the rest of Kelley Coffman-Lee's research on CSAP

Please click on the opt out letters below if you wish to exempt your child from CSAP.

Click on the Susan Ohanian hyperlink for two sample opt out letters that she has created. Ohanian sample Opt Out Letters

We have also provided downloadable Opt Out Letters below.

Opt Out Letters

The Opt Out Letter is a form that can be downloaded as a PDF (in English/en Espanol) or as a print friendly form (in English/en Espańol) (opens a new window).

The Opt Out Letter is summarized as follows:

Please be advised that my child, ___________________________________, will not be participating in CSAP testing during the current school year. I understand that the law provides the parent or guardian the right of choice regarding this standardized testing. In my opinion, such testing is not in the best interests of our children since it promotes competition instead of cooperation, and blunts, not stimulates, our children's curiosity. I understand, too, that the school will provide appropriate learning activities during testing times. I request that no record of CSAP testing be part of my child's permanent file.

Please join us in signing a petition calling for the end to NCLB. You can reach this petition at the following website.

Want to know how it's going in other states? Paste the link below into your browser to read information from our sister organization in California.

Ohanian's New Book

Take advantage of the introductory rate.

When Childhood Collides with NCLB

by Susan Ohanian

published by Vermont Society for the Study of Education

Author Susan Ohanian, by creating a mesmerizing blend of poetry and advocacy, breaks new ground in the literature of educational criticism. Millions of children in public schools across America have been forced to live iin the cruel and insensitive world of the No Child Left Behind Act. This book passionately responds to those moments when the innocent lives of children are put on a collision course with the toxic provisions of a heinous piece of legislation.

$8.95 Until April 1st

Box 26
Charlotte, VT 05445

email orders queries:

After April 1st Visa and MasterCard accepted on orders of three or more copies.
Vermont Society for the Study of Education

Ugly reality

Morning has spoken Democratic presidential hopes dashed in November without FL or MI or OH or... or... Oh, go read Anglachel's Fun With The Electoral College for the scoop and analysis. (Via Bryan via Lambert) Stained blue dress media -- Jeebus!

Posted in The RealSpiel ( 18 links from 9 sites) by bjharrelson

Rudy Love and the Love Family Band Featuring...

I am definitely on cloud nine today. Just in case this is your first time visiting me I came on the Web 2.0 scene in December 2007 and my ultimate goal was to erase all the hype when it comes

Posted in Network Marketing Pipleline ( 1 link from 1 site)

Freelance Woes!

Freelancing, most of the times, is a tough job. And that too, in India, ... and gave them a web 2.0 feel so as to make them look corporate. template2.jpg

Posted in ( 8 links from 6 sites)

First Friday Fun

What is it about First Fridays that makes the weather come? It really does seem like every fourth Friday, the weather turns to crap, just in time to descend on art-loving urban hipsters traveling from gallery to gallery to imbibe free wine. If we feel like trading the Film Festival for First Friday, here's where we'll be imbibing:

Pinot Boutique, an Old City shop that could only be improved upon if Pennsylvania laws allowed it to sell wine and not just wine accouterments, will be teaming with PAWS to present Wines, Canines and Felines, featuring wine tastings at the former and wine gadget demonstrations at the latter. Animal adoptions will take place at both. Seeing as this event combines two of our greatest loves in life—wine and dogs—we consider it an absolute must! Pinot is located at 227 Market Street, between Second and Third Streets. PAWS is located a few blocks away, at the corner of Second and Arch Streets.

InLiquid, a local arts nonprofit that usually focuses their energies on their online collection, will be hosting a real live exhibition, Amze Emmons' World Headquarters, at the Painted Bride starting tonight, complete with opening reception. Emmons' work is both visually and contextually interesting, and the Bride's openings tend to be a lot of fun, so we highly recommend this particular First Friday stop. The Painted Bride Arts Center is located at 230 Vine Street, between Second and Third Streets.

The Snyderman and Works Galleries are technically two different galleries occupying the same space, but once a year for the last six years, they've united forces for their annual Fiber Biennal, this time tied into Fiber Philadelphia, which we've mentioned before. We caught the Fiber Biennal a few years ago and found it absolutely fascinating, and we're sure you will, too. The Snyderman and Works Galleries are located at 303 Cherry Street at Third Street.

Photo of Paws, the coincidentally-named dog that PAWS brought with them to The Barking Beauty last month, snapped by Ross Currie and located on the Phillyist Flickr account.

The.Day.After.Tomorrow.2004.720p.BluRay.x264 REV

[] User Rating: 6.2/10 (59,156 votes) Photos (see all 91 | slideshow) The Day After Tomorrow When global warming triggers the onset of a new Ice Age, tornadoes flatten Los Angeles, a tidal wave engulfs New York City and the entire Northern Hemisphere begins

Posted in HD-Rips ( 5 links from 5 sites) by DaRulah

Robots Lie About Global Warming?

For decades, we have been warned to be cautious of putting too much trust in robots and computers for they can turn on us at any second ... Public Radio, which reports that perhaps global warming isn't really occurring as drastically ... the past four or five years. That could mean global warming has taken a breather. Now, NPR says

Posted in Tranquility Lost ( 7 links from 4 sites)

The Shrinking Glaciers in Pictures

Glaciers around the world are shrinking at an alarming rate. From Asia to the European Alps to the Andes, the story is same, glaciers are rapidly disappearing. We know the culprit for this disaster, Global Warming. So I will take you on a pictorial journey

Posted in The World as We Know It ( 100 links from 72 sites) by friedclyde

Phillyist Reviews... The Odd Couple

Let's just get this out on the table: producing Neil Simon's The Odd Couple is playing it safe. It's not that I don't love the play—I do—but so does everybody else. (Except for, I don't know, maybe August Strindberg, but he's dead and he doesn't count. On the other hand, Neil Simon might quite enjoy Strindberg and Helium.) And so just putting the play up on your marquee or season brochure is more or less a guarantee of your success, meaning I'm not entirely sure why Walnut Street Theatre invited me to review their production of the popular play.

But I'm sure glad they did.

The Odd Couple, even in its film or television versions, is just the trick for improving on a lousy day. But seeing a good production of it—or indeed, of any Neil Simon comedy—performed live can cure what ails ya. And The Walnut's production of The Odd Couple certainly lived up to expectations. Gary Marachek's Felix is sweetly neurotic, the kind of guy you want to hug and slap at the same time. And Avi Hoffman's Oscar is appropriately grumbly and hardened, perhaps not as big of a slob as we think of Oscar being, but sufficiently slobby when the vestiges of mess are cleared away. The two have a very real chemistry together, and it's easy to believe them as the two friends thrust together partly by convenience and partly by fate, who love each other and hate each other equally. (Ross assures me that they didn't have the kind of chemistry that Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick had when they did the show on Broadway, but that's a really unfair comparison for all four actors.)

Of course, Marachek and Hoffman are not alone onstage the entire duration of the play, and are joined there by, among others, the excellent Harry Philibosian (Speed) and Jeffrey Coon (Vinnie). Although Felix and Oscar are really the stars of the show, it's impossible to overstate the importance of a solid ensemble to make The Odd Couple really work, and the little moments where you see the "couple" interact with their friends (and the English sisters from upstairs, played by Madi Distefano and Leah Walton) make the play seem like one cohesive piece, rather than a collection of dialogues between two disparate personalities. It helps that director Bill Van Horn added a slew of blink-and-you'll-miss-'em subtleties to the action that enabled the characters to interact with each other, rather than just deliver scripted lines. The moments are funny and ring true and only add to the overall success of the production.

It may have been a safe choice for the Walnut, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a good one.

Gary Marachek and Avi Hoffman in The Odd Couple at Walnut Street Theatre, running through April 27. Photo by Brett Thomas.

Mexico all inclusive package | Holiday reviews

Clipped by surfspike

When it comes to all inclusive resorts in general and a Mexico all inclusive package in particular, the main benefits are Great value - everything at a fixed price, many free activities, plentiful food and drinks without worrying about prices and a holiday package thats much easier to budget for as you know the total holiday costs in advance!

There is a big choice when it comes to inclusive resort vacation packages to meet almost every need. Individual resorts/hotels cater for different markets such as family, adult-only, adult-oriented, couples, honeymoons, golf, scuba diving etc. In Mexico the best value all-inclusive packages tend to be in 3 main areas: Cancun, Cozumel and Acapulco.

Fancy a free all inclusive package in Cancun, Cozumel and Acapulco ( Us and Canada residents only) check out Free luxury all inclusive mexican package offers

Cocoa Cobweb Cupcakes

Clipped by amnesia
Cocoa Cobweb Cupcakes Recipe

Source: Halloween Treats

Makes 12 cupcakes

Follow this fun technique for creating cobwebs with two different colors of frosting. You can do this on cookies and cakes, too. Kids can line the muffin tins, mix the ingredients, spoon the batter into the muffin cups and of course, supervise the icing.


2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour

3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa, preferably Dutch-process

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, softened

1 1/2 cups sugar

1 egg

2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

1 cup buttermilk

For the icing:

2 egg whites

2 1/2 to 3 cups confectioners' sugar

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

2 tablespoons fresh orange juice

Black or dark brown food coloring


Preheat an oven to 350 degrees F. Butter 12 muffin-tin wells or line them with paper muffin cups.

In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt; reserve.

In a large bowl, using an electric mixer set on medium-high speed, beat together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the egg and vanilla and beat well. Beat in the flour mixture in 3 batches, alternately with the buttermilk.

Spoon into the prepared muffin tins, filling each cup about two-thirds full. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean, 16 to 20 minutes. Remove from the oven, let cool in the pan for 5 minutes, then transfer to a rack and let cool to room temperature.

To make the icing, place the egg whites in a bowl. Using an electric mixer set on high speed, beat until soft peaks form. Add the confectioners' sugar, vanilla, and orange juice and continue to beat until thick and shiny. The icing should spread easily. If too thick, add more orange juice. If too thin, add more confectioners' sugar.

Transfer one-third of the icing to a small bowl and color with black or dark brown food coloring. Spoon this dark icing into a pastry bag fitted with a tip, or pour it into a plastic squeeze bottle.

Now, ice the cupcakes and make the cobwebs: Spoon the white icing into the center of the cupcake and spread with a small spatula or butter knife. Starting at the center of a cupcake, pipe a spiral of the dark icing from the center to the outer edge. Then, drag a sharp knife point from the center of the spiral to the edge of the cupcake. Wipe the knife clean, move about a 1/2 inch to the left or right and drag the knife in the opposite direction from the outer edge to the middle of the cupcake. Continue in this way until you have worked your way around the cupcake and formed the cobweb. Repeat with the remaining cupcakes.

Recipe reprinted by permission of Chronicle. All rights reserved.

from 1 review(s)

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Nutrition Facts
Makes 12 cupcakes

Facts per Serving

Calories: 312   Fat, Total: 5g   Carbohydrates, Total: 64g   Cholesterol: 29mg   Sodium: 158mg   Protein: 4g   Fiber: 1g   % Cal. from Fat: 14%   % Cal. from Carbs: 82%  

O’Reilly web2.0 expo

Web 2.0 Expo San Francisco 2008 Just got a note from Janet Chong, the community and content manager for O'Reilly's web2.0 conference, that they are interesting in having me attending the event

Posted in sparkplug 9 ( 109 links from 75 sites)

Secondary Sources: Marbles, Oil Rescue, Bear, Discount Window

A roundup of economic news from around the Web.

  • Losing Our Marbles: Steve Waldman on his Interfluidity blog explains the credit crisis for Kindergarteners, likening the situation to a game of marbles where everyone has promised to give more than they have. “A credit crisis arises when many more promises are made than can possibly be kept, and disputes emerge about how and to whom promises will be broken. It’s less a matter of SIVs than ABCs.” On his Economist’s View blog, Mark Thoma responds to the metaphor with a solution that can work in marbles and the current financial crisis.

  • Oil Producer Rescue: Writing for the Financial Times, Anil Kashyap and Hyun Song Shin argue that Middle East sovereign wealth funds could help prop up the troubled companies facing credit issues. “The quickest solution is to identify some buyers before the next spiral down. One obvious set of buyers are the Middle Eastern sovereign wealth funds. They have stepped up once and were burnt on their first wave of investments. But since the January meeting of the Fed's open market committee, when the central bank made it abundantly clear that it will try everything possible to stave off collapse, oil prices have risen from roughly $92 a barrel to $109 (as of March 18). Other commodity prices have also risen over this period. Given the deteriorating prospects for the global economy over this time, a plausible interpretation is that some of the financing that might have gone to the financial institutions has instead been directed towards buying commodities such as oil. This portfolio reallocation represents a pure windfall for the oil producers.”

  • Bear Bankruptcy?: The Less Than Least blog writes that it might be too short-sighted to totally write-off the possibility of bankruptcy for Bear Stearns. “No doubt the Fed was worried that a bankruptcy filing would further spook investors. This may be correct, but the fears would have been irrational ones, and the Fed could have assuaged them by emphasizing its commitment of $30 billion to stabilize Bear Stearns's assets. I don’t think we've seen the last of the bankruptcy option. If Bear Stearns' shareholders get serious about challenging the deal with JPMorgan, Bear Stearns may at least threaten to file for bankruptcy to beat back the challenge. Or it may file for bankruptcy in order to complete the sale.”

  • Visiting the Discount Window: With his tongue firmly planted in his cheek, Peter Jeffrey decided to visit this Discount Window everyone is talking so much about. “The speaker crackled to life, and through it a young woman said brightly, ‘Thanks for visiting the discount window, take your order, please?’ ‘Oh, hi,’ I said, startled. I had come here out of wonderment — I didn’t think I’d actually get lubricated. ‘Oh,’ I said again, blanking. ‘I’d like to borrow, like, a hundred dollars?’ ‘You mean a hundred thousand or a hundred million, sir?’ the young woman’s voice replied. Tiny beads of sweat sprang out of the pores on my neck, just like in the cartoons. ‘A hundred thousand, please.’ ‘Would you like to make that a Happy Loan?’ ‘Sure. I’ve been a little down.’ ‘Great, that’s a hundred thousand at three and a quarter, and you get ninety days stedda thirty since it’s a Happy. You want swaps with that?’ ‘What?’ ‘Side of credit default swaps, sir?’ I went for a medium (they don’t have small), the speaker crackled and she said, ‘Thank you for playing your part to restore confidence to financial markets, drive around, please.’ I felt Happy. And a twinge of Moral Hazard, or was that the chili dog?”

    Compiled by Phil Izzo

    U.S. Is Top Source of Money Sent Home by Migrants

    India gets more money sent back from migrants than any country in the world, according to a new World Bank report that also showed the U.S. was the top source of remittance.

    Migrants sent $27 billion to India in 2007. China came in second, receiving $25.7 billion and Mexico was a close third with $25 billion.

    "In many developing countries, remittances provide a life line for the poor," said Dilip Ratha, senior economist, and author of the World Bank’s factbook with Zhimei Xu. "They are often an essential source of foreign exchange and a stabilizing force for the economy in turbulent times."

    The U.S., which was the top immigration country in 2005 with 38.4 million immigrants, is by far the largest source of outflows, with $42 billion in recorded outward flows in 2006. Saudi Arabia ranks as the second largest, followed by Switzerland and Germany. The Mexico-U.S. corridor is the largest migration corridor in the world, the Worlds Bank said, accounting for 10.4 million migrants by 2005.

    For 2007, recorded remittances flows world-wide are estimated at $318 billion, of which $240 billion went to developing countries. However, the World Bank notes, “These flows don’t include informal channels, which would significantly enlarge the volume of remittances if they were recorded.” –Phil Izzo

    Saving Us From Ourselves: Sundance Channel's "The Green"

    If you would like to become more environmentally conscious but think getting started is a rather daunting task, Sundance Channel's "The Green" might be a good place to begin your quest for knowledge. Beginning tonight, April 1st, Season 2 of The Green airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. and features a block of programming centered around the concept of environmental sustainability.

    The programming varies, but is anchored by the second season of "Big Ideas for a Small Planet". Tonight's episode is Power and will feature topics including the benefits of alternative energy, energy efficiency, solar power, and more. As you can see on the companion website The Green Guide, each week the website will feature an overview of the weekly program. Other topics this season will include Decorate, Water, Gen Y, Food, Fashion, Recycle, Grow, Transport, Live, Business, Gadgets, and Animals.

    Even if you do not subscribe to Sundance Channel, it appears that you will be able to download the Big Ideas episodes after the airdate. The Green online includes information "focusing on the earth's ecology and concepts of green living that balance human needs with responsible care for the planet." You can also sign up to receive the Greenzine, a weekly email magazine containing environmental news.

    So don't think you have to go about greening your life on your own; let Robert Redford help you!

    Image via Sundance Channel.

    Effective But Simple Weight Loss Tips

    Are you looking to lose weight to improve your appearance, your health, or even both? The good news is that there are a number of tips that you can use to help you successfully lose weight and hopefully achieve your weight loss goal.

    Read Full Article Here:

    Is Bangladesh safe for the Journalist?


    WHENEVER we read a newspaper and turn on TV or radio there are tones of exciting news. Some news, events, and incidents are indeed painful and horrific. Last year it was a time when my attention was brought into an agonizing news report published in more than a dozen daily newspapers in Bangladesh regarding one young journalists Zahid Al Amin who was brutally tortured when he was in performing his duty. Presently Zahid has been working in The Bangladesh Observer and Assistant Editor in Our Time. He has been looking for justice since July 22, 2005 (The Bangladesh Observer, March 19 and July 22, 2006, Daily Suprobhat Bangladesh, April 4 and July 22, 2006, Amadershomoy, March 4 and 23, 2006, Daily Janakantha, July 21, August 13, and Jaijaidin, August 9, 2007). On July 21, 2005 he went to Chittagong Medical College Hospital to cover the news of an acid victim Hosne Ara. He was talking to the relatives of severely acid burnt woman who has refused to give dowry (Daily Naya Diganta, July 22, 2005, Prothom-Alo, July 27, 2005, The Independent, July 28, 2005, Daily Star, July 27, 2005, Daily Suprobhat Bangladesh, July 24, 2005, The Bangladesh Observer, July 24 and 28, 2005, Sangbad, July 28, 2005). After two years, Chittagong Judicial Metropolitan Magistrate Mohammad Abdur Rab ordered the Chittagong Metropolitan Police to conduct further investigation into the case in connection with attack and torture of journalist Zahid Al Amin (The Daily Star, Feb. 27, 2008).

    Well the acid victim Hosne Ara succumbed to her injury due to lack of proper treatment at the hospital on the day she was admitted in the hospital. Zahid was trying to gather inside story of the incident and the condition of the victim. However, he was attacked and assaulted by some intern doctors and staffs. He was almost killed by those culprits. He was seriously injured on his head, broken and fractured legs. By couple of hours continuous tortured in the hospital he became physically and mentally ill. After the incident he filed a case against those criminals, but until now he was denied justice. Urgently Chittagong journalists condemned the incident and demanded justice with the Prime Minister. The Chittagong Union of Journalists (CUJ) and Chittagong Metropolitan Union of Journalists (CMUJ) also demanded justice submitting the memorandum to the Deputy Commissioner of Chittagong. Indeed, the nationwide journalists also strongly criticized this incident and demanded justice.

    A village boy Zahid dreamt to be a journalist. Having a vision to be a journalist, he took admission at the Department of Communication and Journalism in Chittagong University. Due to his freelance writings he became well known to the regional as well as the national level as a young journalist. During his studies he started to work for local English and Bengali newspapers, i.e. The Daily Life, The Bangladesh Observer, and Daily Naya Diganta. A dream turned reality, Zahid began to tell the nation and the world true stories by his creative writings. A staff reporter of The Bangladesh Observer at this time who has been in anxiety and wondering for his life when he will be attacked again. He has been receiving threats over by phone. The hooligans attempted to kidnap Zahid on his way to his office in an evening. He perpetrators engaged pressure tactics to withdraw the police case which he filed against the perpetrators.

    However, rather than getting justice of the criminals who are holding big position in Chittagong Medical College and Hospital. Not only that! Before 1/11 the government rewarded some of those people by posting them to Dhaka with responsible positions. More than two years past of this incident, till today the police can not identified the criminals and even serve warrant against those criminals. Good that Zahid is hopeful that one day he will get justice!

    Justice not yet ascetic and justice not yet exiled from Bangladesh. It has been seen that the present caretaker government has been willing to solve many pending cases that previous political government did not solve those cases due to lack of neutrality of the government. Moreover, the caretaker government vows to clean-up corruption with zero tolerance in Bangladesh. The government has been trying heart and soul to bring corrupt people to justice, which has been appreciated at home and abroad. Writing of the journalists is the mirror of the nation. Indeed, the caretaker government encourages fair reporting and reinforces media to be more accountable for their journalism. The writings open the eyes of the government and citizens--what is right to do or what is not supposed to be done.

    In 2006 the International media watchdog, Reporters Without Borders has ranked Bangladesh one of the most dangerous countries for journalists (VOA News). Every one knows very well that journalism is one of the distinguished professions, but it is a high risk profession too in many countries. World Assocation of Newspapers (WAN) reported that in 2007 about 84 media employees killed including 1 killed in Bangladesh. Before October 2006 last five years 11 journalists have killed in Bangladesh (Daily Janakantha, Oct. 28, 2006).

    Journalism today is more dangerous than before. In the past decade more than 500 journalists have been killed throughout the world, often for simply doing their jobs. These murders were direct attack on journalists, not only on individuals, but also on society as a whole. Yet very few of the predators were ever brought into justice (Editors Webdog, Oct. 6, 2006). For Zahid Al Amin it was not wrong to be born in Bangladesh; it was not a wrong decision to be a journalist, and to write the true story for the people! Why he was brutally assaulted by doctors, interns, and staffs of a public hospital on July 21, 2005? Is Bangladesh the safe place for Zahid or any journalist? These questions strongly rise to a nation. Till today he receives death threats from the perpetrators. When Zahid will be able to walk without fear in Bangladesh? When will he be able to sleep in peace at home? Will the journalists in Bangladesh get adequate protection to perform their roles and responsibilities without any fear or intimidation?

    In this situation the nation believes that getting legal cooperation and action from present caretaker government which can solve Zahid's case and will bring justice for Zahid. The nation and world look for justice for all journalists along with all citizens in Bangladesh. #

    March 16, 2008, Washington DC

    Nirmal L. Gomes is a graduate Student in Education, specialty with Admin., Curriculum, Foundation, and Policy Studies in The Catholic University of America, and Human Rights Activist, Washington, DC, USA) Email: or


    Dear all, Please be informed that the Cub Scout Programme Council will be organising the Cub Scout Pow Wow 2008 for all Cub Scout Leaders ... am to 6.00 pm Venue: MPH (Level 3) Scout HQ @ 1 Bishan Street 12 Singapore 579808 Attire: Scout Uniform

    Posted in Katong District Online ( 1 link from 1 site)

    "Take Her to the Zoo"

    Yesterday, in a speech to the AFL-CIO, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton endeared herself to the citizens of Philadelphia by comparing herself to Philly's Phavorite Phictional Phrized Phighter, Rocky Balboa:

    "Sen. Obama says he's getting tired of the campaign. His supporters say they want it to end," she said.

    "Could you imagine if Rocky Balboa had gotten halfway up those art museum stairs and said, 'Well, I guess that's about far enough?' That's not the way it works," Clinton said, referring to a famous scene in the first Rocky movie.

    "Let me tell you something. When it comes to finishing the fight, Rocky and I have a lot in common. I never quit," she said.

    Thunderous applause ensued.

    One thing, Senator Clinton: Rocky Balboa lost that fight.

    Thunderous fingers pulling at collars making the "Gnahunngh!" sound ensued.

    You'd think they'd fact check these things after Sniper-gate.

    But we get what she is going for; she is trying to relate to the working class voters of Pennsylvania who didn't see the end of the first Rocky movie. Nothing wrong with that. But as our Uncle Johnny Cochran once said: "If you are going to relate, you better get your analogies straight."

    It turns out the Rocky analogy was not the first one they considered. Phillyist got its hands on some other Philly-themed topics that Senator Clinton's staff considered for yesterday's speech. Here they are in all of their rejected, inappropriate glory:

    Chestnut Street—"I am like your Chestnut Street in the '70s, a beacon of opportunity that will be a successful endeavor for years to come."

    The 1993 Philadelphia Phillies—"I know I can win this thing, I am going to take that mound like Mitch 'Wild Thing' Williams in Game 6 of the World Series and I am going to strike out Barack 'Joe Carter' Obama!"

    The 2006 Philadelphia Eagles—"You know, the 2006 Eagles and I have a lot in common: we both entered this thing as strong contenders, we played extremely well early on and like that team of yesteryear, I am going to come back in the fourth quarter and show you who has the better gameplan!"

    Mummers on Market Street—"Can you imagine if the Mummers had followed the logic and opinion of everyone around them and stayed on Broad Street? Market Street is where it was at, that is where I am at, and come April 22nd that is where we will all be at!"

    Philadelphia—"Let me tell you something: when it comes to dying a slow, sad, painful death, Tom Hanks' character in the movie Philadelphia and I have a lot in common…"

    The Super Ducks—"Some people say there is no place for me in this campaign anymore, that I am unnecessary, that I can't surpass Senator Obama. Can you imagine if the owners of the Super Ducks believed that there was no place for them in Philadelphia?"

    M.O.V.E.—"People think I can't decimate a black man. Kaboom!"

    Or she could have just said Rocky 2. He wins in that one.

    Image Credit: Flickr user iirraa

    How Social Media can impact Businesses

    How Social Media can impact Businesses 24 03 2008 Ask anyone if they are on Facebook, or MySpace, or Friendster, ... are likely yes. Over the last few years of the Web 2.0 invading the traditional space of how users ... and especially traditional businesses. Many traditional marketing techniques developed before the time of Web

    Posted in All about Mac ( 1 link from 1 site)

    Week 7 income/expense review (

    Every week, I'll be posting my expenses and income for review and analysis.3/9/08-3/15/08Income:$0Expenses:$172.30Total:($172.30)This looks like a big week for expenses, but there were some annual things that came due. $49.95 was spent on things related to my taxes (filing expenses, obtaining documents.) $24.00 went to utilities, renewing my telephone number for another 13 months. The remaining amount was discretionary. $58.36 was a combination political donation/clothing purchase. I needed a lightweight outer layer, which I bought from a political candidate. $39.99 was entertainment - I signed up for a fantasy baseball league which will run through the end of September. I think this is fairly good value for my dollar. There's also a possibility of winning $200, though I'm looking at it as a sunk cost and not counting on getting any monetary benefit. Essentially, I spent about 17% of my bonus. The rest of it is going towards reducing debt and savings. Next week, I'll be going to the doctor's office, so I'll have various additional transportation and medical expenses. I don't expect any other significant spending next week. ...

    Frank Calls for Increased Regulation

    House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D., Mass.) today called for major changes to the way financial services are regulated.


    “Among his proposals:

  • Create a Financial Services Risk Regulator, which would monitor systemic risk. Rep. Frank said the Federal Reserve could also be given this power. The regulator would have the "capacity and power to assess risk across financial markets regardless of corporate form and to intervene when appropriate," Rep. Frank's office said. The regulator would also have access to information from investment banks that might use the discount window. The regulator would also "report to Congress on the health of the entire financial sector and act when necessary to limit risky practices or protect the integrity of the financial system."
  • Consolidate supervision. Rep. Frank calls the current format "duplicative."
  • Make changes to regulatory capital, margin, and leverage requirements.
  • –Damian Paletta

    Exterminating Public Schools . . .

    From Global Research:
    Exterminating Public Schools in America
    by Steven Miller and Jack Gerson

    The "Tough Choices or Tough Times" report of the National Commission on Skills in the Workplace, funded in large part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and signed by a bipartisan collection of prominent politicians, businesspeople, and urban school superintendents, called for a series of measures including:

    (a) replacing public schools with what the report called "contract schools", which would be charter schools writ large;

    (b) eliminating nearly all the powers of local school boards - their role would be to write and sign the authorizing agreements for the "contract schools;

    (c) eliminating teacher pensions and slashing health benefits; and

    (d) forcing all 10th graders to take a high school exit examination based on 12th grade skills, and terminating the education of those who failed (i.e., throwing millions of students out into the streets as they turn 16).

    These measures, taken together, would effectively cripple public control of public education. They would dangerously weaken the power of teacher unions, thus facilitating still further attacks on the public sector. They would leave education policy in the hands of a network of entrepreneurial think tanks, corporate entrepreneurs, and armies of lobbyists whose priorities are profiting from the already huge education market while cutting back on public funding for schools and students.

    Indeed, their measures would mean privatization of education, effectively terminating the right to a public education, as we have known it. Many of the most powerful forces in the country want the US, the first country to guarantee public education, to be the first country to end it.

    For the last fifty years, public education was one of only two public mandates guaranteed by the government that was accessible to every person, regardless of income. Social Security is the other. Now both systems are threatened with privatization schemes. The government today openly defines its mission as protecting the rights of corporations above everything. Thus public education is a rare public space that is under attack.

    The same scenario is being implemented with most of the services that governments used to provide for free or at little cost: electricity, national parks, health care and water. In every case, the methodology is the same: underfund public services, create an uproar and declare a crisis, claim that privatization can do the job better, deregulate or break public control, divert public money to corporations and then raise prices.

    In the past year, it's become evident that the corporate surge against public schools is only part of a much broader assault against the public sector, against unions, and indeed against the public's rights and public control of public institutions.

    This has been evident for some time now in New Orleans, where Hurricane Katrina's devastation is used as an excuse for permanently privatizing the infrastructure of a major American city: razing public housing and turning land over to developers; replacing the city's public school system with a combination of charter schools and state-run schools; letting the notorious Blackwater private army loose on the civilian population; and, in the end, forcing tens of thousands of families out of the city permanently. The citizens of New Orleans have had their civil rights forcibly expropriated.

    Just as the shock of the hurricane was the excuse for the shock therapy applied to New Orleans, so the economic downturn triggered by the subprime mortgage crisis is now the excuse for a national assault on the public sector and the public's rights. . .

    In public education, the corporate surge has grown both qualitatively and quantitatively. Where two years ago the corporate education change agents were mainly operating in a relatively small number of large urban areas, they have now surfaced everywhere. The corporatization of public education is the leading edge of privatization. This has the effect of silencing the public voice on every aspect of the situation.

    Across the US, public schools are not yet privatized, though private services are increasingly benefiting from this market. However, increasing corporate control of programs - a different mix in every locale - is having a chilling influence on the very things that people (though not corporations) want from teachers: the ability to relate to and teach each child, a nurturing approach that nudges every child to move ahead, human assessments that put people before performance on standardized tests.

    Perhaps the single most dramatic development of the corporate approach was the launching of the $60 million Strong American Schools - Ed in '08 initiative, funded by billionaires Bill Gates and Eli Broad. This is a naked effort to purchase the nation's education policy, no matter who is elected President, by buying their way into every electoral forum.

    Ed in '08 has a three-point program: merit pay (basing teachers' compensation on students' scores on high stakes test); national education standards (enforcing conformity and rote learning); and longer school day and school year (still more time for rote learning, less time for kids to be kids. . . )

    Where two years ago charter schools were still viewed as experiments affecting a relatively small number of students, in 2007 the corporate privatizers - led by Broad and Gates - grossly expanded their funding to the point where they now loom as a major presence.

    In March, the Gates Foundation announced a $100 million donation to KIPP charter schools, which would enable them to expand their Houston operation to 42 schools (from eight) - effectively, KIPP will be a full-fledged alternative school system in Houston. Also in the past year, Eli Broad and Gates have given in the neighborhood of $50 million to KIPP and Green Dot charter schools in Los Angeles, with the aim of doubling the percentage of LA students enrolled in charter schools. Oakland, another Broad/Gates targets, now has more than 30 charter schools out of 92. And, as we shall see below, the same trend holds across the country.

    NCLB in 2008 is still a major issue. It continues to have a corrosive effect on public schools. It is designed an unfunded mandate, which means that schools must meet ever rigid standards every year, though no more money is appropriated to support this effort. This means that schools must take ever-more money out of the class room to meet federal requirements when schools with low test scores are in "Program Improvement". Once schools are in PI for 5 years they can be forced into privatization.

    NCLB is a driving force that decimates the "publicness" in public schools. In California, more than 2000 schools are now in "Program-Improvement". This means that they have to meet certain specific, and mostly impossible standards, or they must divert increasingly greater amounts of money out of the classroom and into private programs.

    For example, schools in 3rd year PI must take money out of programs that helped schools with a high proportion of low achieving schools and make it available to private tutors. . .

    Privatizing public schools inevitably leads to a massive increase in social inequality. Private corporations have never been required to recognize civil rights, because, by definition, these are public rights. If the corporate privatizers succeed in taking over our schools, there will be neither quality education nor civil rights.

    The system of public education in the United States is deeply flawed. While suburban schools are among the best in the world, public education in cities has been deliberately underfunded and is in shambles. The solution is not to fight backwards to maintain the old system. Rather it is to fight forward to a new system that will truly guarantee quality education as a civil right for everyone.

    Central to this is to challenge the idea that everything in human society should be run by corporations, that only corporations and their political hacks have the right or the power to discuss what public policy should be. . .

    The real direction is to increase the role and power of the public in every way, not eliminate it. . .

    Visuospatial neglect in near and far space: dissociation between line bisection and letter cancellation.

     Visuospatial neglect in near and far space: dissociation between line bisection and letter cancellation.I Keller et al.Neuropsychologia 43 (5), 724-31 (2005)info:pmid/15721185 | info:doi/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2004.08.003Posted by butterchicken to bisection neglect on Thu Mar 20 2008 at 11:38 UTC | info | related

    Penn and Teller make thousands of bees appear out of "nothing"

    Scott sez, "This is a video of Penn and Teller subverting the old 'pull an animal out of the hat' trick by instead producing thousands of bees, including hundreds while ripping apart a stuffed rabbit--take that, kids! I thought of this after seeing the urban beekeeper post. If you want to see loads of bees stinging Penn and Teller, you won't be disappointed." Link (Thanks, Scott!)

    Even Chris Wallace is tired of excessive harping on Obama

    Chris Wallace, on FOX and Friends this morning 3/21/08 to promote this Sunday's FOX News Sunday, took the Friends "to task" over what he saw as excessive and unbalanced coverage of Obama's radio remarks about his grandmother being a "typical white person." The Friends, Gretchen Carlson, Steve Doocy, and Brian Kilmeade, were in full defense mode and ultimately spun the chastisement to FOX's benefit, asserting that personnel don't always agree on everything.

    Doocy claimed that Wallace's "twenty hits" (presumably checking in twenty times, randomly) prevented him from seeing the other side of the story, or a more fair presentation. Wallace said he'd seen enough.

    Kilmeade sarcastically thanked him for calling them out on the air rather than via email, so viewers could see for themselves that FOX is not in lockstep.

    Carlson said that Obama was deflecting attention from what folks really wanted to hear, his denial of and disassociation from Wright's remarks. (Haven't we heard it already, for days on end now?) Wallace responded that it is the media that is deflecting attention from Obama's subsequent speeches on Iraq and the economy.

    ThinkProgress has the video.

    This could be exactly what it seems to be, a difference of opinion. But knowing that FOX is so carefully messaged and controlled top-down, it could also be a staged event to reinforce the faux notion that Chris Wallace is independent. Were the three stooges set up? In any event, it was refreshing and anything but par for the course.

    Steampunk Star Wars modded action figures -- woah!

    Sillof (he of the badass Justice League of America steampunk action figure mods) has just unveiled his latest: a deeply awesome range of steampunk Star Wars action figures. Link (Thanks, Sillof!)

    Starbucks Gets Web 2.0 Religion, but Can It...

    NEW YORK ( -- How many ways can its legion of latte-sipping loafers ask for free Wi-Fi? Starbucks is finding out.

    Posted in Advertising Age - Ad Age is the leading source of news,... ( 15,142 links from 5,511 sites)