Saturday, March 15, 2008

resp in net worth, the decision (

This is a fairly long post, but if you track net worth and plan to have children, or have children already you might be interested in reading on...Recently I've pondered and posed this question to readers:Do I include our RESP balance as part of our net worth?Thanks for all the great comments on this. The verdict is certainly still out on whether or not one should include the balance. Commenter's were split on the issue. Here are some of the points that were raised:The 'Against' Case:Scott noted:The intention of the savings plan is to fund your child's education and as such it is his asset. If the funds eventually are rolled into your own RSP's due to them not being used for education it should be considered a windfall because that's really what it is. It was never part of your intended asset base.Luc-Roc said:However, you could always create a separate "Family Net Worth" report and add your RESP in that report.Dividends4Life commented:One differences though is that my plan under U.S. law is irrevocable - it is theirs at age 18. Middle Class Millionaire suggested:However, other than to satisfy the technical definition of networth I don't think ...