Sunday, April 27, 2008

Richardson Endorsement of Obama Focus Du Jour on FOX's Election HQ

Video clips of Jeremiah Wright took a back seat today on America's Election HQ with Megyn Kelly and Bill Hemmer. However, the pundit parade analyzing Bill Richardson's endorsement of Barack Obama made sure to keep the Wright controversy alive with constant reminders to viewers that Obama's campaign problems are far from over.

Newt Gingrich, leading the pundit parade, was prompted by Megan Kelly wondering if it was " time for Hillary Clinton to get out" and if the Richardson endorsement was the first nail in her coffin. She added a cute "Ouch!" for emphasis.

Gingrich said it was the "first sign that the nomination was getting away from Hillary." He opined that senior Democrats will want to end the tension and will begin endorsing Obama. Kelly claimed there's " buzz" that Richardson made a deal for the VP slot but Gingrich said not at this point adding that it's illegal to do it. Then Kelly brought the focus back to Wright allowing Gingrich to recite the points about how Obama knew about Wright ; it's unacceptable; and nobody believes him.

Trying to keep the fight going between campaigns, Kelly brought up a photo, allegedly leaked by Obama's campaign, showing Clinton shaking hands with Jeremiah Wright ten years ago at a White House prayer breakfast. Gingrich claimed it was self destructive behavior for Obama which diminished his own value.

Next in line were Bob Beckel and Kate Obenshain. Both agreed the endorsement was a great way to change the subject. Obenstain delivered the magic words that the controversy is not over and will keep growing.

John Gibson provided the final act. He gets the last five minutes and makes sure Hemmer and Kelly plug his radio shows. Today he went after Obama for criticizing FOX News for " unrelenting and sensational coverage" of the controversy. Gibson declared , "Absurd!" Then he claimed that " white people" appreciate the coverage when they call in to his show. He quickly caught himself and added a comment about black people calling in too with a positive reaction.

Hemmer popped in to say, " A week ago this was red hot, simmering." He noted that the Richardson endorsement was a "shrewd move". Gibson agreed that they've been trying to change the subject all day ending with "Jeremiah Wright is going to stick".

comment: We all know how hard Gibson is going to work at making it stick if anyone actually chooses to tune in to his show.