Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Report on Chavez ignores OAS rebuke of Columbia

Venezuelan President Hugo Cavez was again portrayed as a Bush-hating "provocateur' whose only goal is to antagonize the administration, this morning 3/6/08 on FOX and Friends First. Hosts Steve Doocy and Alisyn Camerota briefly discussed recent actions in South America but what they failed to include would have added balance and context to the story. As it was, it only served as another anti-Chavez propaganda piece.

Doocy glossed over the reason for Venezuela's massing of troops on its border with Columbia, Saturday's incursion into Ecuador by Columbian military in pursuit of Columbian FARC rebels. The Organization of American States has approved a resolution calling the raid a violation of national sovereignty and is working to repair relations between the two countries. Ecuador has also mobilized forces to its border with Columbia. (From the New York Times.)

The US as represented by the Bush administration is the only country in the hemisphere explicitly supporting Columbia. (Not surprising in light of their disregard for national sovereignty of other nations, who all not coincidentally have vast resources of oil.)

No, all we got from Doocy and Camerota was that Chavez is a provacateur, Ecuador was "really bothered" by Columbia's pursuit and killing within their borders, and Hugo Chavez will go to great lengths to get a headline. "This guy is a bug." said Doocy. "The only thing he's got we need is oil...and he's got a lot of that."

At least in this case the administration and their media arm are being upfront about why they demonize the leader, no WMD scare tactic BS. He's got Bush's cronies' oil, and some nerve not to cave to them.