Friday, May 9, 2008

The Television World

The Television World The Television World by http:www.articledashboard.comprofileSharon-White15155Sharon WhiteBut long before the television was invented; print media was already providing us with the daily news updates. From a single pager to multi page color newspapers and magazines, the print media has greatly evolved through the years. The use of graphics and brilliant editing has brought a sea change in this era of the twenty-first century. Again some one like Dan Okrent, then Editor at Large for Time, Inc. once said to a few journalists at Columbia University Twenty, thirty, at the outside forty years from now, we will look back on the print media the way we look back on travel by horse and carriage, or by wind-powered ship. But, the print media is still going strong, though has lost some of its foothold to the ever increasing popularity of the World Wide Web. It was only back in between 1989 and 1991 that the emergence of the internet took place, thanks to a Physics student of Oxford University. His name is Tim Berners-Lee. He pioneered the HTTP, HTML and URLs which became the core structure of the internet. With nothing more than a computer and a telephone linkup via a modem, more and more people are tapping into an international network of world resources. The internet isn’t a just a single entity or organization. Rather, it’s a loose collection of computer networks worldwide. Think of a spider web wrapped around the globe, with silky strands reaching from point to point in an elaborate design. Each point is a computer network where knowledge is stored and shared by millions. The article was produced by the writer of masterpapers. Sharon White is a 5-years experienced freelance writer and a senior manager of http:masterpapers.comlaw_school_essay.htm target_blanklaw essays writing services support team. Contact her to get http:masterpapers.commba_essay.htm target_blankMBA essays tips and buy http:masterpapers.compersuasive_essay.htm target_blank persuasive essays. Article Directory: http:www.articledashboard.comArticle Dashboard