More to a Specialized Accounting Degree Than Mere
More to a Specialized Accounting Degree Than Mere Bookkeeping More to a Specialized Accounting Degree Than Mere Bookkeeping by http:www.articledashboard.comprofileShay-Rosen22906Shay RosenBookkeeping is a term that is thrown about carelessly in business circles, though the primary responsibility of a bookkeeper is balance the company ledger. In the modern business world, doing so can require a lot more than simply deciding between single entry and double entry accounting methods. For example, tax liabilities for even the smallest of retail and wholesale companies can be substantially reduced or offset to provide maximum cash flow depending on how inventory is recorded and managed. Some educational institutions have, in recent years, recognized the need for more finite and niche oriented accounting programs at the bachelor level. Where once accounting majors had to enroll in a postgraduate degree program in order to specialize, many are now able to do so in the first for years of postsecondary education. The positives of this shift lie in the ability to prepare for industry specific accounting jobs, while the consequent negatives are in reduced employment opportunities across the broad spectrum of business. Still, it is the graduates from these types of degree programs that are highly sought by businesses in many different industries, and for good reason. Bookkeeping is an essential function of any business
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