Guide to Self Hypnosis Instruction
Guide to Self Hypnosis Instruction Guide to Self Hypnosis Instruction by http:www.articledashboard.comprofileKismet14616KismetSelf Hypnosis is the name for a process whereby another person induces an altered state of consciousness in themselves. All the while the person is in this state they are fully in control of what is happening to them, however they are in a very relaxed and susceptible place and the hypnotist can make suggestions verbally or otherwise that can bring about responses, ideas, information, behavior, etc. that would not be apparent in the normal conscious state. Self hypnosis or a trance can also occur at any time of the day when a person becomes so absorbed in an activity, they seem to drift off and do not realize the time. This is natural. Hypnosis is one of the most potent forms of psychological intervention to assist with stress, anxiety and phobias as it is very normal to feel totally relaxed and have peace of mind and a feeling of serenity whilst undergoing the procedure. It is a natural, safe and non-invasive and can mostly be utilized by individuals for their own sense of well-being too. The process is completely safe for anybody including children. Another area that self hypnosis is especially usuful is confidence building, assertiveness and motivation. It takes normally about 7-9 minutes for the conscious mind to start to truly begin to enter a deep relaxed state. During this time the hypnotist can use several techniques to help to get the client to relax and let go. Some of these you may be familiar with, like the counting down backwards using numbers. Another method would be to create effectively imagery in the form of a story told by the hypnotist that the client can follow using their imagination. These are the most common ways to help somebody reach a very deep relaxed state. Once the person is in this relaxed state, the unconscious mind is more susceptible to suggestion, without the rational conscious mind interfering with the process. At this stage the hypnotist will usually suggest some positive changes that would be beneficial for the client to take on board at an unconscious level. Sometimes these suggestions can be weaved into a story so it is not quite as obvious to the client. This is done purely to stop the client
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