Saturday, May 3, 2008

Corn based anti-bacterial film wrap

Filed under: Science, Health & Medical

The wonders of modern science never cease to amaze me (and I am not being sarcastic, this time). A scientist at the US Department of Agriculture in Wyndmoor, PA may have an answer to some of our food-borne illness woes.

Tony Jin has created a biodegradable plastic film which has "a natural antimicrobial agent called nisin". Mr Jin claims, and is backed up by testing, that the film kills bacteria that cause Listeria, Salmonella, and E.coli. The film is made from renewable resources like corn residue. It would be used in packaging to wrap meat and line drink containers.

I think this anti-bacterial film wrap sounds promising. I never know quite what to make of this kind of invention. There have been so many innovations that have sounded great in the beginning, but turned into real disasters. If the corn-based plastic wrap really can kill harmful bacteria, and it is implemented, I hope that it is one for the "win" column.
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