Thursday, March 13, 2008

Who Says Money Doesn't Buy Happiness? (

People say money doesn't buy happiness, and I don't fully agree. It buys options, and if you know how to choose your options, you can definitely achieve happiness.Personally, money can (and does) buy me happiness. When I, for instance, save for trip and I reach my financial goal: that makes me happy. What makes me ecstatic is actually going on the trip. When I finally reached my financial goal for going on my mini-retirement, I was astounded. I had accumulated enough money to make a personal dream a reality. There isn't a price you can put on this.So yes, having the money [to do what I like] makes me happy. If I wasn't able to travel, I would be a less happy person. Money allows me to buy things or experiences I enjoy, which in turn makes me happy. Ergo, money buys me happiness. If I couldn't participate in the things that I'm passionate about, I would be unhappy.Of course, if someone is simply depressed in general, or is unhappy for another reason, spending money is not going to fix those feelings and make them happy for more than a few minutes. This kind of spending behavior is how a ...