Thursday, March 27, 2008

Best of the Week that Was! (

Happy Easter!Traveling put a real hamper on my posting this week, but it was still a pretty interesting week. This was a really interesting finance week with the Fed cutting a full point over the week, Bear Stearns going under and Economists trying to get a feel fro where the bottom is gonna be. Add to that stimulus checks getting ready to be sent out, an Early Easter and we have the makings of a wild March!On to the Best of the Week:My Open Wallet - Madame X is always a great read, but this week she gave us a peak inside her 401K. Great read as she, like most of us is very down at the moment. SOme great advice from her readers.Mrs Micah - A fun article about a recent bout with Stuffitis...Been battling it myself as my zeal is wanning too!BankerGirl - A neat post on changing jobs and what you find out when you do! Review time at our place so it is interesting.Fiscal Musings - For all of you March Madness Fans, Fiscal did a great post tying finacila ideas to sports!Paid it Down - Sharon posted a fun collection of Eater Themed Cartoons...Worth the ...