Monday, May 5, 2008

Rhee's First Friday Afternoon Massacre

From WaPo:
By V. Dion Haynes and Sylvia Moreno
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, March 9, 2008; Page C07
D.C. Schools Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee's decision to fire 98 central office employees Friday is generating a debate among workers and questions from D.C. Council members about the fairness of the process.

According to several people who lost their jobs, the firings affected numerous departments, including business operations, food service, budget and communications. But information technology appeared to be the hardest hit, losing about 40 of its 50 employees. Former workers in that unit said Rhee has decided that the functions will be absorbed by the city's IT department.

Rhee's spokeswoman said yesterday that she could not specify the departments affected by the firings or provide information about the people who lost their jobs. She also could not determine how much money the firings would save.

The former employees said they are angry that they were let go despite years of good service. The legislation gives Rhee the right to dismiss them whether they are good or bad performers. They also said they thought the system treated them shabbily in giving them a phone number to call to get information about final pay. Some said they are seeking legal advice. The terminated workers refused to be quoted by name because they officially remain on the school system's payroll for two weeks. . . .