Friday, May 2, 2008

Best Finance Articles from Carnival of Personal Finance #144

Copyright © 2006-2007 Clever Dude. All Rights Reserved.

This past week, my article “Free Laptop Nation: How Free Is It?” was featured in the 144th Carnival of Personal Finance, hosted by As it was published on St. Patrick’s Day (the one on the calendar, regardless of what the Catholic Church says), Lynnae inserted a few Irish quotes and proverbs which I recommend reading.

Along with my own article, of course, here are a few other articles I especially enjoyed:

  • Monevator writes an ingenious article explaining how each Star Wars character would relate to money. If Jar Jar Binks were included, I think I would be him…No clue about what’s going on but somehow continues to stumble into great opportunities.
  • Not the Jet Set gives a few options for how to celebrating being debt-free. I think I’ll celebrate by financing a new car
  • Squawkfox gives 10 great frugal foods. Being married to a dietitian, I’ve tried almost all of these, except Quark. If you ever come to D.C., I suggest stopping by Zed’s Ethiopian and getting the Flax Seed Telba Watt. It’s quite spicy, but also tasty. Go for lunch though because their dinner prices are outrageous now (inflation).
  • Funny About Money has an excellent rant about the quality of adults our school systems are producing (with a short analogy to why they can’t handle their finances) in Whither America.
  • Finance Gets Personal gives 10 signs you have financial OCD. I do check our bank account almost daily, but I don’t know how much I spent yesterday much less for the past 10 years. I guess I’m not totally OCD.
  • Credit Addict tells us whether merchants can require a minimum purchase to use a credit card. The short answer is … wait, you have to read the article.
  • Broke Grad Student has a few tips for avoiding student loan debt.

There were a few more articles the caught my eye, but I didn’t want to reproduce half the carnival here so go over and check it out for yourself!