Monday, April 28, 2008

Hannity Offers Advice To Obama

What a difference a couple of primaries make! No sooner did Hillary Clinton win Texas and Ohio than Sean Hannity was no longer consumed with concern and indignation about Barack Obama's pastor's connection to Louis Farrakhan nor Obama's casual relationship with a former 60's radical. Nope, now Hannity is filled with concern and indignation that Obama may not get his due from the super delegates. Hannity even offered advice to Obama on how to defeat Clinton. With video.

As the first part of the video below shows, Hannity fretted that Obama might get screwed out of the nomination either via the super delegates who might "transcend the will of the people" and appoint Hillary Clinton the nominee and/or a last-minute recognition of Florida and Michigan delegates. Jabbing his finger in the air the same way he had when he demanded of an Obama supporter, "If my pastor gave a lifetime achievement award to David Duke, what would you think of me?" Hannity was suddenly an Obama advocate. As Juan Williams argued that the Florida and Michigan delegates would almost certainly get a seat at the table, Hannity, his voice full of sympathy for Obama, asked, "But wait, are you saying seat them without another election, meaning, even the Michigan delegates when Barack wasn't on – he wasn't even on the ballot!"

Hannity slammed his hand on the desk. "But, but, wait a minute!" Hannity sputtered. "Why can't Barack Obama make the case, why is little old Sean Hannity making the case for the Obama campaign here? Why don't they quote Hillary Clinton? Hillary was willing to disenfranchise Florida and Michigan back in September. You know, why doesn't he come out with ads pointing out, well, 'Hillary was able and willing to do this to you then?'" Williams answered that that would be politically untenable for Obama to do.

Later, at the end of the show, during the segment in which Hannity and Colmes ordinarily debate each other, Hannity offered more advice for Obama. This time, he suggested that Obama take a page from Hillary Clinton's playbook that she used when she was running for the Senate in 2000. In an effort to embarrass her then-opponent, Rick Lazio, into releasing his tax returns, she had someone dress up as Uncle Sam and appear at all of Lazio's events.

Hannity was brimming over with enthusiasm as he looked into the camera with a message for the Obama campaign. "Just do what Hillary did to Rick Lazio!" Banging his hands together, Hannity added, "And why do you need my advice? Why aren't you guys on top of this?"

If Obama should capture the nomination, I'm sure Hannity will be trotting out the pastor all over again.

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